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Path: inforamp.net!usenet
From: pcurran@inforamp.net (Peter Curran)
Newsgroups: comp.std.c
Subject: Re: Restrictions on qsort compare function?
Date: Tue, 09 Apr 1996 23:25:49 GMT
Organization: PSC Enterprises
Message-ID: <4kerk9$7ta@sam.inforamp.net>
References: <4iokop$h4p@lyra.csx.cam.ac.uk> <4iqjar$2m9@usenet.pa.dec.com> <4jgltp$f9l@lyra.csx.cam.ac.uk> <828644274snz@genesis.demon.co.uk> <4k28t4$2g0@sam.inforamp.net> <828726582snz@genesis.demon.co.uk> <4k69bf$ehg@sam.inforamp.net> <828971813snz@genesis.demon.co.uk> <4kbl1l$74r@sam.inforamp.net> <9livf9cusp.fsf@marks.jyacc.com>
Reply-To: pcurran@inforamp.net
NNTP-Posting-Host: ts37-13.tor.istar.ca
X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent 1.0.82
On Tue, 9 Apr 1996 14:54:14 GMT in article <9livf9cusp.fsf@marks.jyacc.com>
jtrigg@marks.jyacc.com (Jim Trigg) (Jim Trigg) wrote:
>So what happens if the array is large enough that qsort takes longer
>than a second to complete? The return values from the comparison
>function are no longer consistent. Is the compiler vendor then
>obligated to produce an implementation of qsort that will complete a
>sort in a constant amount of time? That is what breaks your
>comparison function.
AARRRGGHHH!! I presume you have just started reading this thread! (BTW,
completing in half a second won't solve the problem if it happens to start a
quarter of a second before time() changes.)
I will not post any more on this, but I can't leave it like this. That is the
WHOLE POINT of my hypothesized comparison function!!! To summarize:
I defined when I consider a value to be less than/equal to/greater than another,
and wrote a comparison function that implements this definition. The function
is completely consistent with this definition. Whenever it is invoked, it will
return the appropriate and correct value. This is what the standard requires me
to do, and I have done it. Any problems should now lie with qsort(). The
standard represents a contract between users and implementors of C. I have
fulfillled my side of the bargain as a user - now it is the implementor's turn.
This, of course, is unreasonable. I, of course, completely understand that it
is virtually impossible to implement such a qsort(). However, IMHO, the
standard as written requires it, and so the standard should be fixed - someday
when The Committee has nothing better to do.
Peter Curran pcurran@inforamp.net